
LBMC 商业智能 team provides the full slate of AI/DS strategy, 设计, 体系结构, 基础设施, and managed services to our clients to solve complex business problems.

Applications of next-generation data techniques like artificial intelligence, 认知计算, 机器学习, 深度学习, 先进的分析和优化用于提高效率, 降低成本, 为客户增加利润,提供竞争优势. ​


人工智能 is a 技术 that can endow a machine with human like ability to CAPTURE, 应用, 拓展知识!

  • 捕获 -以可处理的形式表示知识
  • 应用 -用知识影响现实世界
  • 扩大 -不断增长和提高知识(学习)


生成式AI: AI系统能够创造出像图像这样的原创内容, text, 音乐, 或者使用深度神经网络制作无需人工输入的视频. 大型语言模型(LLM)正在推动当前的繁荣. 每天还有更多……..虽然许多技术都是“预先训练的”, 盒子里还没有大脑(但我们越来越接近了)!


  1. 数据+知识——3000亿字和570千兆字节的text
  2. 训练——这可能需要几个月的时间
  3. 测试——也需要几个月的时间
  4. Input and output with feedback – 1 Trillion parameters in model (parameters estimates properties in each nodes and the weights of each connections)
  5. Capabilities (compose; code; summarize; instruct; write 音乐; produce videos) – Capabilities keep growing through larger models and multimodal inputs


  • 律师考试90分
  • 坐1380/1600
  • 许多AP考试5/7
  • 医师执照考试


新兴技术 utilize a holistic approach that optimizes the integration of intelligent, 机器人和自主系统的五个目标:

  • 揭示的见解 -从数据集和实时交互中揭示更深入的见解
  • 优化性能 优化人员、系统、流程和机器的性能
  • 利用自动化 -利用自动化在整个企业中获得竞争优势
  • 加强经验 – Design 经验s with predictive, ambient and conversational attributes​
  • 维持信任 – Build systems that establish and maintain trust, and promote compliance


The arrival of artificial intelligence as a powerful tool in tax and other practice areas presents the accounting profession with a tremendous opportunity, 但这也是一个巨大的挑战. AI is accelerating the already rapid pace of change that CPAs have been experiencing in recent years.

The opportunity is to reshape and deepen our relationship with clients by leveraging our expertise to become their indispensable business advisors who, 在人工智能的帮助下, 提供关键的见解,推动他们的成长. 挑战在于如何在培训中迅速应用所需的变化, 技术, 组织结构, 营销和其他领域——也许同样重要, reinvent our self-image – so we don’t find ourselves marginalized by disruptive innovation.


人工智能, which is the ability of a computer to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, 在各行各业有广泛的应用. In tax accounting it is making its mark by allowing computers to automate administrative tasks, 比如筛选报告数据, 这通常会占用会计师的大量时间.

税务会计的应用将继续发展, but already AI is allowing accounting professionals to deliver more value to clients in several ways. We are better able to meet their expectations for a B-to-B customer 经验 that delivers popular aspects of the B-to-C 经验, such as self-service in signing up for appointments and checking on the status of projects. It also provides the tools and frees up the time for advisors to deliver enhanced data-driven strategic insights into how a client’s business is operating and how to improve performance. 例如, 我们可以提供有关经济实力的预测, 哪些行业正在增长?, and whether they should invest now in growing their business or hold off because the market is overheated.

This evolution in 技术 will also encourage tax experts to combine tech savviness with very human skills – the ones unreachable by machines – like best practices, 经验, 讲故事, 有效的沟通和关系建立.


随着人工智能能力的不断发展, corporate management must determine the most critical business problems to address using this powerful 技术. 为了促进这一进程,我们开发了 生成式人工智能评估 — an efficient tool 设计ed to help your organization understand its strengths, 弱点, 以及有效利用人工智能的优先事项. 评估的最终结果是生成AI路线图的创建, which outlines a cohesive set of actions aimed at quickly achieving a competitive edge while minimizing risk and costs.


  • 识别, Assessment and Quantification of areas of your business which will be most impacted by this 技术.
  • An initial strategy on how your sector or competitors may utilize AI to gain a competitive advantage in your markets.
  • 评估和评估您当前的战略数据架构.
  • 基于用例的优先级时间敏感路线图, 整合当前和未来的数据源, and implement a change management plan for your company that would drive the most value to the company.
  • A business case for the roadmap of initiatives that generate profit at each step thus creating a virtuous return of each phase providing monies to conduct the following phase.

  • 围绕ChatGPT和生成式人工智能有很多争议. You can waste time and money with random siloed efforts across your organization that might not produce any value. Investing in a strategic approach that assesses your data readiness and results in a customized roadmap guiding your efforts will save you time and money and ensure you don’t fall behind your competition.

    Questions to consider as you plan to incorporate artificial intelligence into your practice:

    • 你需要做哪些技术上的改变?
    • 你的组织有什么变化吗, for example enhanced training and development or a revamped approach to recruiting?
    • 你如何利用人工智能来改善你的客户体验?
    • How will you define the new role of your accounting professionals if the blocking and tackling is increasingly handled by computers?
    • 你将如何将这些变化传达给你的员工和客户?



    乔恩 希尔顿

    股东、咨询 & 商业智能

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    布莱德 米尔纳


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